为深入落实全国教育大会精神,打造“留学中国”品牌,展示新中国成立70年来华留学教育成果,10月31日第二届“学在中国”来华留学博士生论坛在南京大学召开。此次论坛由中国高等教育学会外国留学生教育管理分会主办,旨在搭建高水平的互学互鉴平台,鼓励来华留学博士生积极关注前沿学科的最新研究成果及理论演变,展示学业成果和分享学习心得,在互相启迪中激发创造思维。我校2017级国际法专业博士林忱(Kitjapat Kesiranon)参加论坛并做主旨报告。
On October 31, 2019, the 2nd “Learning in China” Ph.D. Student Forum was held in Nanjing University. CUPL student Kitjapat Kesiranon contributed a presentation named as “Pursuing a Ph.D. Degree in China: New Facet of Education That Benefits Students More Than Academic Aspects” in the forum.

The 2nd “Learning in China” Ph.D. Student Forum was held by China Association of Higher Education. It was the event that gave an opportunity to international Ph.D. candidates in China to share their research results and what they have learned from studying in China. Kesiranon’s presentation mainly indicated his achievements in China which are his participations in many conferences as a presentor and speaker, and his publications. There were two field within his academic works, namely space laws field and anti-corruption laws field. He learned that China, together with Russia, has proposed the draft of the Prevention of the Placement of Weapons in Outer Space Treaty (PPWT) in 2008 and 2014 to the Conference on Disarmament on purpose of banning weapons in outer space. However, the draft does not define where precisely outer space is. It also bans only space-based weapons, not ground-based weapons. Any test of ground-based weapons reaching into outer space that does not constitute damage to another nation’s space object is still permissible. He views that the precise and careful definitions of outer space and space weapons should be considered, and implemented in regional level between China and ASEAN countries, then expand it to the west later. It’s difficult to start in the global level since the United States would definitely oppose this agenda.

Kesiranon contended that Thailand should develop new legal instruments to allow private sectors to bring civil litigation against each other to claim civil remedy in bribery in public procurement case. The mechanism as such is used in China through the Anti-unfair Competition Act. It is a smart mechanism that encourages people and private sectors to check each other and prevent against corruption which will ultimately reduce the burdens of the anti-corruption unit or agency.
Moreover, besides academic achievements, Kesiranon expressed his appreciation on Chinese culture and philosophy, such as, being gentleman (君子), making connections (关系), and family relation.
Finally, he highly praised China on the about her technologies and facilitations that make human being have better life quality and great economic development, such as Alipay, Wechat Payment, WaiMai, and Taobao.
(图/文:Kitjapat Kesiranon)