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LL.M in International Law (taught in English)

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LL.M in International Law (taught in English)

I. Introduction

China has become the third largest trading power of the world. With its stead political system and dynamic economic developments in last twenty years, no one in the world can afford to ignore China and its potentials. For those who wish to trade and invest in China and for those who wish to pursue a China related career, understanding Chinese law is essential for them to really understand China. In the present century, anyone with an international vision would have to know something about China one way or another. China factor is not only a factor in the world economy, but also a factor in social, political, and cultural arena of the world. This is also why studying China and Chinese law are important for anyone who wish to be successful in the present century.

China University of Political Science and Law (hereinafter referred to as CUPL) which is one of the best legal study institutions in China, understands the difficulties for many foreign students and legal professionals to study Chinese law in Chinese language, as well as their desire to acquire basic knowledge of Chinese law, and accordingly offers LLM and PhD programs in Chinese law to be taught in English. The programs were formally launched in September 2006 and students can join the programs twice a year in the Fall semester or Spring semester respectively. Presently, the programs are offered and managed by the Faculty of International Law, CUPL. The relevant information is set out below.

II. LLM Program (English Mode)

1. The Program

The LL.M in International Law program includes three specific research fields, i.e., Public International Law \Private International Law and International Economic Law . Students can choose the research fields according to their interests by choosing courses.

2. Purpose

The purpose of the program is to provide advanced and practical knowledge of Chinese law to students & practitioners across the world, who feel more comfortable in using English as a medium of study. To promote further, wider legal exchange and co-operation between CUPL and foreign students or practitioners is also one of the major concerns of the program.

3. Admission Requirements

The program is open only to foreign nationals. Anyone with a formal undergraduate degree as recognized by the Ministry of Education of China is welcome to apply for admission. An undergraduate degree in law is, however, an advantage.

4. Period of Study

The program is normally for two years. An extension of time may be available upon the request by the relevant candidate, and the maximum period of study is four years from the date of admission.

5. Curriculum and Credits Awarded

A LLM candidate must obtain a minimum of 28 credits to fulfill the requirements for the award of the LLM in International Law (English Mode). 26 credits for courses and 2 for four papers.The credits for each course offered by the program are set out as follows (subject to change):

1) Compulsory subjects (2 credits each, 16 credits in total)

  • Introduction to Chinese Legal System 32 contact hours

  • Legal Research and Writing     32 contact hours

  • International Trade Law 32 contact hours

  • International Investment Law   32 contact hours

  • Public International Law   32 contact hours

  • Private International Law 32 contact hours

  • Environment Law 32 contact hours

  • China's Inter-Regional Private Law  32 contact hours


    2) Optional subjects (no less than 10 credits ,2 credits each, optional courses offered each term may be adjusted depending on the availability of lecturers)

  • International Human Rights Law 32 contact hours

  • International Regulation of Cyberspace 32 contact hours

  • Intellectual Property Law 32 contact hours

  • Criminal Justice in China 32 contact hours

  • Judicial System in China 32 contact hours

  • Chinese Company Law 32 contact hours

  • International Air Law 32 contact hours

  • Arbitration Law 32 contact hours

  • Chinese Anti-Monopoly Law 32 contact hours

  • Chinese Law and Society 32 contact hours

  • Chinese Constitutional Law 32 contact hours

  • Chinese Civil Law 32 contact hours

  • Chinese Culture and Law 32 contact hours

  • Chinese Administrative Law 32 contact hours

  • Chinese Civil Procedure Law 32 contact hours

  • Contemporary Chinese Political Science and Society 32 contact hours

    The staff of the Overseas Development Office, Faculty of International Law, will provide advice to each candidate on how to organize his or her study plan.

    6. Dissertation and Supervision

    A LL.M candidate must submit a dissertation no less than 20,000 words (excluding the abstract, introduction, conclusion, footnotes and bibliography) in length to fulfill the requirements for the LL.M degree. Only those candidates who have acquired minimum credits for graduation and defended their LL.M dissertations successfully in front of an examination panel of three members are eligible for the award of LL.M in International Law. A LL.M candidate will be assigned a supervisor during his/her study, and the supervisor is responsible for guiding the candidate’s researches and dissertations.

    7. Fees

  • Application Fee: 800RMB

The application fee is only accepted for bank transfers to CUPLs account.The Chinese yuan can be accepted only.Please note that the application fee is not refundable.

Account holder: China University of Political Science and Law

Account number: 020000 2909 088 104 759

Name of bank: Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Beijing Municipal branch, Xijiekou Sub-branch

Address of Bank: No. 143 Xizhimennei Street, Xicheng District, Beijing , China, 100035

Swift Code: ICBKCNBJBJM       Bank number1021 0000 0290

FAX NO: 8610-62212822

Bank transfers must be accompanied by "Master of International Law Application Fee + Applicant's passport name"

  • Tuition Fee: 50000RMB/ year.

    The total cost for the award of the LLM is 100,000RMB, covering the minimum courses (or equivalents) for 28 credits and an LLM dissertation.

  • Accommodation Fee: Depends on accommodation condition

  • All the candidates must buy insurance if accepted

    8. Checklist

    NOTE: Unless ALL the listed Documents are provided before the deadlineYour application will be invalid.

  • Application form

  • Highest academic diploma (or notarized photocopy)

  • A copy of passport

  • Two letters of recommendation

  • Academic transcript

  • Language certificateTOEFL 90/IETELS 6.5

  • Certificate of graduation if have

    9. Application for Admission

    All the candidates should submit their application before 30 April .The admission letter and JW 202 Form for the visa will be prepared and sent to the applicant if accepted.The autumn semester normally from the beginning of September to the beginning of January.The candidates may be awarded Master degree on the condition that they obtain the required credits and satisfy the defense of the dissertation..

    Inquiries and applications should be made to:

    Overseas Development Office, Faculty of International Law, CUPL

    Address: No. 25 Xi Tu Cheng Road, Haidian District, Beijing, P. R. China 100088

    Fax: +86 10 58908384 Tel: +86 10 58908198


Xueyuan Lu Campus: 25 Xitucheng Lu, Haidian District, Beijing, China 100088    Changping Campus: 27 Fuxue Lu, Changping District, Beijing, China 102249

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