
Chinese Government Scholarships

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Overview of Scholarship for International Students

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International students can apply for Chinese Government scholarship and International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship before enrollment, to be admitted to China University of Political Science and Law as scholarship students. Self-funded students can apply for Beijing Government Scholarship based on their academic records and other comprehensive performance after enrollment. Scholarships are divided into full scholarships and partial scholarships, and the funding standards are different accordingly.

List of Scholarships for International Students
Name of the scholarship
Awarding institution

Funding Content
Application period
Application acceeptance institution
Application Stage
1 Chinese Government Scholarship - Bilateral Program Ministry of Education
Undergraduates, postgraduate, and non-degree program Full/partial scholarship
Please consult the acceptance institution
Chinese Embassy or other designated agencies
Before enrollment
2 Chinese Government Scholarship - "High-level Postgraduate" program Ministry of Education
Postgraduates Normally it is full scholarship

Normally from December to January
School of International Education
Before enrollment
3 Chinese Government Scholarship - "Silk Road" program
Ministry of Education
Undergraduates and postgraduates (only for students from "Belt and Road" countries or regions) Normally it is full scholarship Normally from March to May
School of International Education Before enrollment
4 Beijing Government Scholarship
Beijing Government Undergraduates and postgraduates Tuition Normally from October to November
School of International Education After enrollment
International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship
CLEC Undergraduates and non-degree program
Normally it is full scholarship Normally from March to May CLEC, recommended institutions, School of International Education Before enrollment

Note: The right of final interpretation belongs to the scholarship awarding institution and the application acceptance institution.

Xueyuan Lu Campus: 25 Xitucheng Lu, Haidian District, Beijing, China 100088    Changping Campus: 27 Fuxue Lu, Changping District, Beijing, China 102249

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